URL: http://apc-tech.ch/index.php?algae-remover-algizid-ea

Algae remover (ALGIZID EA)

Having trouble with your recycled water system ?

Algae growing - germs – fetid or nauseous odour?

ALGIZID EA is the solution to solve such problems!

Application fields

ALGIZID EA is an effective and proven fungicide for stopping or preventing microbiological contamination like algae, foam, microorganisms and germs in your industrial recycled water system.

It is particularly suitable for closed loop re-circulating water treatment system

Product use

To obtain an ideal efficiency with ALGIZID EA, our experiment has shown that a simple use without prior preparation will not give successful results. This is why we recommend the following procedure :

Depending on system conditions, ALGIZID EA will be operational into two or tree steps :

Clean all piping (if the system is moderately or noticeably fouled)
Initial treatment with ALGIZID EA (for system with little infestation)
Continuous dosage of ALGIZID EA according to specific needs

We shall be glad to provide our best and free advice to determine the most efficient operating concept you need for the use of ALGIZID EA .

Safety data sheet


Prevent algae and other microorganism's growth
Prevent foam, rots due to positive and negative bacterial infection, as well as yeasts and moulds formation.
Improve durably the quality of water in closed loop re-circulating treatment system as well as the quality of aqueous process for surface treatment.

Documents :

Algizid (E).pdf

pdf, 59.3K, 12/18/07, 536 downloads